
KM 185 mt


  • 超心形拾音模式,没有离轴渲染
  • 极低的本底噪声
  • 高声压级承受能力
  • 无变压器电路


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Max. SPL
142 dB
S/N Ratio
79 dB
10 mV/Pa


KM 185是一款领先的小振膜电容话筒,拥有超心形指向特性且不随频率变化而改变。声音清透自然、拥有极低的本底噪声和高声压级承受能力,KM 185成为了全球舞台和录音室标准配置,适用于从古典钢琴到重金属音乐的套鼓演奏等多种应用。

Dealer Description



诺音曼180系列包含三种不同拾音模式的产品:KM 183(全指向),KM 184(心形)和KM 185(超心形),可以满足大多数舞台和录音室应用需求。因为180系列话筒是非模块化的,所以它们比模块化的KM A和KM D系列(在模拟和数字输出级上可选择各种可互换的话筒头)更具成本效益。


KM 185秉承诺音曼的先进技术,同时价格还非常具有吸引力。其心形指向不随频率变化而改变,即使在低频,也可以很好地抑制后方串扰(120°)。实际使用时,在宽广的拾取角度范围内没有声音渲染,这对于多话筒设置和精确的立体声/环绕声成像至关重要。KM 185的频率响应非常平顺,是线性的,在10 kHz左右,高频响应轻微提升,从而增加声音的亮度。其创新性的前置放大器通过精心设计,具有宽动态范围,可保持话筒极头的声音完整呈现。KM 185的本底噪声极低,仅为15 dB-A,可以处理高达142 dB的高声压级而不会失真。由于其低阻抗输出级,无变压器输出级可以驱动长达300米(1000英尺)的电缆,且不会造成传输损耗。


KM 185是通用性极高的话筒,其透明的声音适合多种应用如钢琴、打击乐器、鼓、原声吉他、立式贝斯、小提琴、大提琴、木管乐器、铜管乐器和其他声学乐器演奏。KM 185可用于独奏者和合奏。KM 185能够很好地抑制串音(120°)且没有离轴渲染,非常适合要求苛刻的应用——例如录音军鼓时抑制踩镲的串音。尽管KM 185并没有针对人声进行专门优化,但它经常用于古典声乐以及声音真实性至关重要的演出场合。由于体积小巧,KM 185在视觉上不引人注目,非常适合电视和广播应用。

  • 均匀的超心形拾音模式,没有离轴染色
  • 高度抑制无用的声音
  • 线性频率响应,具有轻微高频提升
  • 极低的本底噪声(15 dB-A)
  • 低阻抗输出级,可驱动长电缆且不会造成传输损耗
  • 体积小巧
Acoustical operating principle Pressure gradient transducer
Directional Pattern Hypercardioid
Frequency Range 20 Hz ... 20 kHz
Sensitivity at 1 kHz into 1 kohm 10 mV/Pa ± 1 dB
Rated Impedance 50 ohms
Rated load impedance 1 kohms
Equivalent noise level, CCIR¹⁾ 24 dB
Equivalent noise level, A-weighted¹⁾ 15 dB-A
Maximum SPL for THD 0.5%²⁾ 142 dB
Signal-to-noise ratio, CCIR (re. 94 dB SPL)¹⁾ 70 dB
Signal-to-noise ratio, A-weighted (re. 94 dB SPL)¹⁾ 79 dB
Maximum output voltage 10 dBu
Supply voltage (P48, IEC 61938) 48 V ± 4 V
Current consumption (P48, IEC 61938) 3.2 mA
Matching connector XLR 3 F
Weight approx. 80 g
Diameter 22 mm
Length 107 mm

1) according to IEC 60268-1; CCIR-weighting acccording to CCIR 468-3, quasi peak; A-weighting according to IEC 61672-1, RMS

2) measured as equivalent el. input signal


Hypercardioid KK 185 + KM-A/KM-D

Hypercardioid KK 185 + KM-A/KM-D Hypercardioid KK 185 + KM-A/KM-D
TLM 49 Set

EA 2124 A mt

Shock Mount

EA 2124 A mt
TLM 49 Set

PS 15


PS 15
TLM 49 Set

WNS 100


WNS 100
TLM 49 Set

WNS 110


WNS 110
TLM 49 Set

WS 100


WS 100
TLM 49 Set

N 248

Power Supply

N 248
TLM 49 Set

MF 2

Table Stand

MF 2
TLM 49 Set

MF 3

Table Stand

MF 3
TLM 49 Set

MF 4

Floor Stand

MF 4
TLM 49 Set

MF 5

Floor Stand

MF 5
TLM 49 Set

MZEF 8060

Vertical Bar

MZEF 8060
TLM 49 Set

MZEF 8120

Vertical Bar

MZEF 8120
TLM 49 Set


Stand Extension

TLM 49 Set

STV 20

Stand Extension

STV 20
TLM 49 Set

STV 40

Stand Extension

STV 40
TLM 49 Set

STV 60

Stand Extension

STV 60
TLM 49 Set

Z 26 mt

Shock mount

Z 26 mt
TLM 49 Set

MNV 21 mt

Auditorium Hanger

MNV 21 mt
TLM 49 Set

MNV 87

Auditorium Hanger

MNV 87
TLM 49 Set

DS 120

Double Mount

DS 120
TLM 49 Set

SG 21 bk

Stand Mount

SG 21 bk
TLM 49 Set

IC 3 mt

Microphone Cable

IC 3 mt

KM 185

Color nickel

CAT. NO. 008440

KM 185
  • KM 185 Microphone
  • WNS 100 Windscreen
  • SG 21 bk Stand Mount Swivel

KM 185 mt

Color black

CAT. NO. 008441

KM 185 mt
  • KM 185 mt Microphone
  • WNS 100 Windscreen
  • SG 21 bk Stand Mount Swivel

KM 185 Stereo Set

Color nickel

CAT. NO. 008526

KM 185 Stereo Set
  • 2 x KM 185 Microphone
  • 2 x WNS 100 Windscreen
  • 2 x SG 21 bk Stand Mount Swivel

KM 185 mt Stereo Set

Color black

CAT. NO. 008525

KM 185 mt Stereo Set
  • 2 x KM 185 mt Microphone
  • 2 x WNS 100 Windscreen
  • 2 x SG 21 bk Stand Mount Swivel


Max. SPL
142 dB
S/N Ratio
79 dB
10 mV/Pa


Luxusstäbchen - Kleinmembran-Kondensatormikrofone im Vergleich, German
Tools 4 Music, 06/2008
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There may be other microphones available with similar specifications and an even lower cost, but they don´t sound like these, aren´t as versatile as these, and can´t inspire the confidence that they can deliver the same universally good results.
Audio Media 2/2000

This mic has a flexible, open sound and responds well to all sorts of changes. (KM 184)
Akustik Gitarre 1/2000

Nice mics - a pair of very usable tools. Looks like Neumann has reapplied its winning formula - lower the price to the trigger point by taking away a few features but keep the quality up.
Pro Audio Review 1/2000

Luxury tools - Comparision of small-diaphragm condenser microphones, English
Tools 4 Music, 06/2008
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