Neumann History Products

O primeiro microfone condensador

A 'Garrafa Neumann', o primeiro microfone condensador produzido em massa. Diâmetro: 9 cm, altura: 40 cm, peso: 3 kg. A Telefunken, uma subsidiária da AEG, assumiu os direitos de marketing deste microfone Neumann.
Microfone de medição

O primeiro microfone de medição de Neumann. Seu amplificador valvulado foi baseado no U 47, mas em vez de uma grande cápsula de diafragma, ele usou uma pequena cápsula condensadora de alta precisão em um pescoço longo para evitar reflexos do corpo do microfone.
MM 2U 47
Switchable Condenser Microphone

The first switchable pattern condenser microphone. It has been used in countless famous recordings. Maybe the most popular Neumann microphone – A Legend.
U 47M 49
Microfone condensador comutável remoto

O M 49 foi o primeiro microfone de estúdio com um padrão direcional continuamente variável. Ele usava a mesma cápsula de diafragma grande do U 47, e está entre os microfones de tubo mais procurados de todos os tempos.
M 49M 50
Microfone condensador (omnidirecional)

O M 50 foi fundamental no desenvolvimento da técnica de gravação da árvore Decca. A cabeceira de malha aberta abriga uma pequena cápsula de diafragma montada em uma pequena esfera. Suas propriedades acústicas exclusivas são ideais para gravações orquestrais.
M 50KM 53
Microfone miniatura

O primeiro microfone de estúdio de diafragma pequeno da Neumann. O KM 53 era um transdutor de pressão com um diafragma de metal ultra-fino. Como todos os microfones de sua época, ele operava com válvulas eletrônicas.
KM 53KM 54
Microfone miniatura

O KM 54 era a contraparte cardióide do microfone omnidirecional de diafragma pequeno KM 53, lançado no ano anterior. O KM 54 apresentava um diafragma de metal ultra-fino e um tubo eletrônico.
KM 54MM 3
Measuring Microphone

The MM 3 was a high-precision measurement microphone, much like its predecessor, the MM 2, but with updated tube electronics.
MM 3KM 56
Microfone miniatura comutável

O primeiro microfone de diafragma pequeno da Neumann com padrões direcionais selecionáveis (omni, cardióide, figura 8). Devido à sua complexidade em um pequeno tamanho, o KM 56 foi classificado entre os microfones mais caros de sua era.
KM 56SM 2
Microfone estéreo

O primeiro microfone estéreo de Neumann. Com seus dois sistemas de diafragma pequenos selecionáveis independentemente (omni, cardióide, figura 8), o SM 2 permitia todos os tipos de técnicas de gravação estéreo coincidentes.
SM 2U 48
Microfone condensador comutável

O U 48 era uma variante especial do microfone de estúdio carro-chefe da Neumann, o U 47. Em vez de padrões cardióide e omni, o U 48 oferecia cardióide e figura-8 (bidirecional).
U 48MM 5
Microfone de medição

O MM 5 foi uma atualização dos microfones de medição anteriores da Neumann, o MM 2 e o MM 3 com eletrônicos de baixo ruído, mas ainda baseados em tubo. O MM 5 permaneceria como o último microfone de medição produzido pela Neumann.
MM 5KM 253
Microfone miniatura (à prova de altas frequências)

Uma versão especial do microfone omnidirecional de diafragma pequeno KM 53 para a indústria de transmissão. Para aumentar a imunidade à HF, o KM 253 foi equipado com um plug novo e maior.
KM 253KM 254
Microfone miniatura (à prova de altas frequências)

Uma versão especial do microfone de diafragma pequeno cardióide KM 54 para a indústria de broadcast. Para aumentar a imunidade a altas frequências, o KM 254 foi equipado com um plug diferente.
KM 254KM 256
Microfone miniatura (a prova de altas frequências)

Uma versão especial do microfone de diafragma pequeno KM 56, carro-chefe da Neumann com padrões selecionáveis (omni, cardióide, figura 8). Conforme solicitado pela indústria de transmissão, o KM 256 foi equipado com um plugue diferente para aumentar a imunidade às altas frequências.
KM 256U 67 (1960)
Microfone condensador comutável

O microfone de tubo U 67 foi o carro-chefe do estúdio por excelência ao longo dos anos de formação da música moderna. Hoje, mais do que nunca, seu som inimitavelmente suave continua em alta demanda.
U 67 (1960)SM 23 c
Microfone estéreo

Uma versão atualizada do microfone estéreo de Neumann SM 2. Como seu antecessor, o SM 23 tem dois pequenos sistemas de diafragma com padrões polares selecionáveis. O sistema superior pode ser girado para permitir as técnicas estéreo XY, MS e Blumlein.
SM 23 cM 269 c
Switchable Condenser Microphone

The M 269 c was a special version of the U 67 for the German broadcast industry, which insisted on the use of the AC 701 tube (instead of the EF 86 used in the U 67).
M 269 cKM 64
Miniature Microphone

The KM 64 was the successor to Neumann’s KM 54 small diaphragm cardioid microphone. It still used an AC 701 tube circuit, but its capsule was a new design with a Mylar diaphragm.
KM 64SM 69
Stereo Microphone

Neumann’s first large diaphragm stereo microphone SM 69 was still tube based. Polar patterns were selectable for each capsule individually via the power supply.
SM 69SRM 64
Long Neck Stage Microphone

A long neck stage microphone for speeches and presentations. The SRM 64 consisted of a cardioid condenser capsule and a tube amplifier, hidden in the lower part of the stand tube.
SRM 64U 64
Miniature Microphone

The U 64 was a variant of the KM 64 small diaphragm microphone. Instead of the Telefunken AC 701, which was not as easily available in non-European countries, the U 64 used a tiny nuvistor tube.
Transistor Microphone for Modulation Lead Powering

Neumann’s first solid state microphone. The KTM was a small diaphragm microphone using the same capsule as the KM 64. The KTM was soon replaced with the KM 74, which was almost identical except for a smaller body diameter.
Switchable Miniature Microphone

The KM 66 was a small diaphragm microphone with switchable patterns similar to the KM 56 but with two cardioid capsules with mylar diaphragms. The KM 66 was to remain Neumann’s last tube microphone design for almost 30 years.
KM 66KM 73
Miniature Microphone for Modulation Lead Powering

The KM 73 was an omnidirectional small diaphragm microphone with solid state electronics. It was powered via T-power, P48 phantom power had not yet been invented.
KM 73KM 74
Miniature Microphone for Modulation Lead Powering

The KM 74 the successor to the KTM, Neumann’s first transistorized microphone. It used the same cardioid capsule as the KM 64 and KM84, but the grounding scheme of its T-powered circuit necessitated a different capsule head design.
KM 74KM 75
Miniature Microphone for Modulation Lead Powering

The KM 75 was a cardioid microphone for short distances, e.g. in speech applications. Its capsule had a built-in low cut to compensate for the proximity effect. Like all KM 70 microphones, the KM 75 was T-powered.
KM 75KM 83
Miniature Microphone for Phantom Powering

The KM 83 was the omnidirectional model of the KM 80 series, which introduced a technology, which, due to its many advantages, soon became the new standard: P48 phantom power.
KM 83KM 84
Miniature Microphone for Phantom Powering

The small diaphragm cardioid microphone KM 84 was built until 1992 and remains one of the most popular Neumann classics. Its even frequency response and consistent pickup pattern make it a sought-after microphone for all genres.
KM 84KM 85
Miniature Microphone for Phantom Powering

The KM 85 was a cardioid microphone like the KM 84 but with a low cut built into the capsule to compensate for the proximity effect. The KM 85 was thus optimized for short distances as are typical in speech applications.
Clip-on Microphone

Neumann’s first Lavalier microphone. Its solid state amplifier could be battery powered and used with wireless transmitters of the day, such as the Sennheiser SK 1007.
Switchable Miniature Microphone

The KM 76 was the solid state successor to the KM 66 small diaphragm tube microphone. The KM 76 offered switchable patterns (omni, cardioid, figure-8) and operated T-powered.
KM 76U 87 i
Switchable Studio Microphone

The Neumann U 87 is probably the best-known and most frequently used studio microphone the world over. Its smooth and refined sound is as iconic as its elegant exterior design. The U 87 is the standard microphone for speech and vocals.
U 87 iKM 86
Switchable Miniature Microphone

Like the KM 76, the KM 86 was a transistorized successor to the KM 66 small diaphragm tube microphone. The KM 86, however, was developed for P48 phantom power, introduced a few years earlier by Neumann – and soon the world standard.
KM 86KMA (1968)
Clip-on Microphone

The KMA (not to be confused with today’s KM A modular microphone system!) was an improved Lavalier microphone with an omnidirectional capsule and a detached amplifier. It ran on batteries or phantom power.
KMA (1968)U 77
Switchable Studio Microphone (Mod. Lead Powering)

Like the U 87, the U 77 was a solid state successor to Neumann’s classic tube microphone U 67. But instead of phantom power – which was not yet a studio standard – the U 77 operated on T-power.
U 77KM 88
Switchable Miniature Microphone

The KM 88 was a multipattern small diaphragm microphone (omni, cardioid, figure-8) with FET electronics, similar to the KM 86. However, it used the same nickel capsules previously found in the KM 56 tube microphone.
KM 88SM 69 fet
Stereo Microphone (Transistor)

With the beginning of the new decade, Neumann’s large diaphragm stereo microphone SM 69, too, was converted to solid state electronics. Nonetheless it still required a dedicated power supply due to its remote pattern control.
SM 69 fetKMS 85
Handheld Microphone

Neumann’s first handheld vocal microphone had an unusual shape, but it proved that clever engineering could render condenser microphones stage-ready.
KMS 85SRM 84
Long Neck Stage Microphone

The successor to the SRM 64 long neck stage microphone. Instead of a tube amplifier the SRM 84 had a solid state circuit hidden in the lower part of the stand tube.
SRM 84U 47 fet (1972)
Studio Microphone

By the early 70s Neumann’s tube microphone U 47 was legendary among seasoned engineers, and many wished for a direct solid state successor. The U 47 fet never quite filled those giant footprints, but was eventually (re)discovered as a classic in its own right.
U 47 fet (1972)KU 80
Dummy Head

In the early 70s people began to think beyond stereo. Neumann’s first dummy head microphone KU 80 was able to capture a realistic, three-dimensional sound image for headphone playback.
KU 80QM 69
Quadrophonic Microphone

In the mid-70s quadraphonic sound became popular among hi-fi enthusiasts. The Neumann QM 69 was a variant of the SM 69 fet with four separate outputs for each half of the two dual diaphragm capsules.
QM 69U 497
Studio Microphone

A microphone specially made for the French broadcasting network ORTF. The U 497 featured a K47 capsule and a sophisticated solid state circuit, similar to that of the U 47 fet, but adapted to French radio’s 12V-powering system.
U 497KMS 84
Handheld Microphone

Neumann’s second attempt at a stage microphone looked considerably more handsome than the KMS 85 introduced a few years earlier. The KMS 84 used the same capsule as the KM 84 in a newly designed headbasket with excellent pop protection.
KMS 84KMR 82 i
Microfone shotgun

Neumann’s first shotgun microphone was designed with great attention to an even off-axis response to minimize unwanted sound coloration. The KMR 82 i is still in production!
KMR 82 iUSM 69 i
Microfone estéreo

The USM 69 i is an updated version of Neumann’s large diaphragm stereo microphone SM 69 fet. Thanks to its integrated pattern controls the USM 69 i does not require a dedicated power supply anymore but can be run off phantom power.
USM 69 iU 89 i
Microfone de estúdio

Designed as a successor to the U 87, the U 89 was eventually recognized as a classic Neumann microphone in ist own right. The U 89 sports an all-new dual diaphragm capsule with a consistently linear sound in five pickup patterns.
U 89 iKMF 4 i
Miniature Microphone

A miniature microphone with a detached amplifier. Its visually unobtrusive cardioid capsule had a diameter of only 17 mm. The KMF 4 i could operate on phantom power or batteries.
KMF 4 iKU 81
Dummy Head

While older dummy head microphones created a stunningly realistic sound image when played back over headphones, loudspeaker playback was unsatisfactory. The KU 81 cured this with capsules equalized for the diffuse-field.
KU 81KMR 81 i
Microfone shotgun

A short shotgun microphone, primarily designed for film dialogue. Like its longer sibling, the KMR 82 i, the KMR 81 i is still in production!
KMR 81 iTLM 170
Transformerless, switchable Studio Microphone

With the TLM 170 Neumann brought the first transformerless microphone onto the market. The absence of transformers makes the sound more transparent and open.
TLM 170U 87 Ai
Microfone de estúdio

Compared to the U 87 i, the U 87 Ai has minor changes in the electronics: higher operating safety, increased transmission factor, improved S/N ratio, omitted internal battery supply.
U 87 AiRSM 190 i
First Stereo Shotgun Microphone

A stereo shotgun microphone with external matrix box. The RSM 190 i was a mid/side microphone with the shotgun part delivering the M-component and a second figure-8 capsule system, angled 90 degrees, providing the S-component.
RSM 190 iKM 130
Miniature Microphone

The KM 130 was part of the KM 100 series, Neumann’s first modular small diaphragm microphone system. The KM 130 combines the KM 100 output stage with the diffuse-field equalized omni capsule AK 30.
KM 130KM 131
Miniature Microphone

The KM 131 was part of the KM 100 series, Neumann’s first modular small diaphragm microphone system. The KM 131 combines the KM 100 output stage with the free-field equalized omni capsule AK 31.
KM 131KM 140
Miniature Microphone

The KM 140 was part of the KM 100 series, Neumann’s first modular small diaphragm microphone system. The KM 140 combines the KM 100 output stage with the cardioid capsule AK 40.
KM 140KM 143
Miniature Microphone

The KM 143 was part of the KM 100 series, Neumann’s first modular small diaphragm microphone system. The KM 143 combines the KM 100 output stage with the wide cardioid capsule AK 43.
KM 143KM 145
Miniature Microphone

The KM 145 was part of the KM 100 series, Neumann’s first modular small diaphragm microphone system. The KM 145 combines the KM 100 output stage with the cardioid capsule AK 45, whose built-in low cut compensates the proximity effect.
KM 145KM 150
Miniature Microphone

The KM 150 was part of the KM 100 series, Neumann’s first modular small diaphragm microphone system. The KM 150 combines the KM 100 output stage with the hypercardioid capsule AK 50.
KM 150GFM 132
Boundary Layer Microphone

Neumann’s first and only boundary layer microphone. The GFM 132 was designed using computer simulations: The unique shape of the base plate avoids comb filter effects.
GFM 132TLM 50
Pressure Microphone

The TLM 50 revived the unique capsule technology of the classic Neumann M 50 of the 1950s and combined it with a cutting edge transformerless head amplifier for lowest noise and distortion.
TLM 50KMS 140
Handheld Micropohne

A handheld condenser microphone for pristine vocals on stage. The KMS 140 (cardioid) was the precursor to today’s very successful KMS 104.
KMS 140KMS 150
Handheld Microphone

A handheld condenser microphone for pristine vocals on stage. The KMS 150 (hypercardioid) was the precursor to today’s very successful KMS 105.
KMS 150KFM 100
Spherical-Surface Stereo Microphone

The spherical surface microphone KFM 100 had two omni capsules flush mounted in a sphere. It worked similar to a dummy head stereo microphone, but was optimized for loudspeaker playback. Although technically excellent, it never caught on.
KFM 100KU 100
Cabeça de manequim

The new and improved dummy head microphone KU 100 offers a truely immersive sound experience for music and audio drama productions. It is also used for industrial applications.
KU 100TLM 170 R
Microfone de estúdio

Ten years after its initial release the TLM 170 was updated with Neumann’s new remote switching technology. In the ‚R’ setting the directional pattern may be controlled from the PSU with no special multipin cables required.
TLM 170 RTLM 193
Microfone de estúdio

By focusing on the essential features that are important for most home recording users, Neumann was able to offer the TLM 193, a cardioid microphone for smaller budgets in this increasingly larger area.
TLM 193KM 184 (Series 180)
Microfone miniatura

A reference class small diaphragm microphone with a consistent cardioid pattern, independent of frequency. The KM 184 is the successor to the classic KM 84 and can handle much higher SPLs, thanks to its transformerless output stage.
KM 184 (Series 180)RSM 191 A Set
Stereo Shotgun Microphone

A stereo shotgun microphone for broadcast, film, and on-location applications. Like its predecessor the RSM 191 A operates in mid/side technique; the corresponding new MTX 191 A matrix box offered significantly enhanced features.
RSM 191 A SetM 149 Tube
Microfone de válvula de estúdio

Neumann’s first tube microphone after an almost 30-year-hiatus. The M 149 received a TEC Award for its innovative combination of a (surprisingly low noise) tube circuit with a state-of-the-art transformerless output stage.
M 149 TubeKM 120
Miniature Microphone

The KM 120 was part of the KM 100 series, Neumann’s first modular small diaphragm microphone system. The KM 120 combines the KM 100 output stage with the figure-8 capsule AK 20.
KM 120TLM 103
Microfone de estúdio

The M 147 Tube brings back the classic sound of Neumann’s famous tube microphones of the 1950s. It uses the same capsule as the legendary U 47 combined with an innovative transformerless tube circuit.
TLM 103M 147 Tube
Microfone de válvula de estúdio

The M 147 Tube brings back the classic sound of Neumann’s famous tube microphones of the 1950s. It uses the same capsule as the legendary U 47 combined with an innovative transformerless tube circuit.
M 147 TubeKM 183 (Series 180)
Microfone miniatura

Um microfone de diafragma pequeno de referência com um padrão omni consistente, independente da frequência. O KM 183 é o sucessor do clássico KM 83 e pode lidar com níveis de pressão sonora muito mais elevados, graças ao seu estágio de saída sem transformador.
KM 183 (Series 180)KM 185 (Series 180)
Miniature Microphone

A reference class small diaphragm microphone with a consistent hypercardioid pattern, independent of frequency. Its high directivity makes the KM 185 an excellent problem solver for demanding applications such as drum recording.
KM 185 (Series 180)KMS 105
Microfone de palco

The KMS 105 is a studio grade vocal microphone with all the virtues of a rugged stage microphone: excellent pop protection, low handling noise, enormous SPL capability, and high feedback resistance, thanks to its tight supercardioid pattern.
KMS 105M 150 Tube
Microfone de válvula de estúdio

A unique omnidirectional tube microphone, based on the legendary Neumann M 50 of the 1950s. Its titanium capsule is flush mounted in a small sphere to increase directivity at higher frequencies – ideal for DECCA Tree techniques.
M 150 TubeKK 105 S
Cabeça do microfone (SKM 5200/5000 N)

Neumann sound on stage – wireless! The capsule head KK 105 S uses a precision manufactured true condenser supercardioid capsule and is specially designed for Sennheiser SKM 5000/5200 handheld transmitters.
KK 105 SBCM 104
Microfone de locução

O BCM 104 é um microfone de locução especializado para locutores e DJs, concebido para expressar emoção com a perfeição da Neumann. O seu design otimizado a nível de função apresenta um filtro de plosivas integrado e uma cápsula de condensador de grande diafragma com proteção antichoque especialmente desenvolvida para locução. O circuito sem transformador garante um som direto e sem ruído.
BCM 104D-01
Microfone de estúdio digital

O D-01 é o microfone digital AES 42 de ponta da Neumann, possuindo uma nova cápsula de grande diafragma com resposta linear em todos os padrões direcionais. A faixa dinâmica completa de 130 dB é transferida para o mundo digital sem perda de qualidade. As funções DSP incluem ganho digital, corta-baixas, limitador de pico, compressor/limitador e de-esser.
D-01TLM 127
Studio Microphone

Designed as the bigger brother of the popular TLM 103, the TLM 127 offered additional functions such as pad and low cut and even remote controllable patterns using the patented technology Neumann had introduced ten years earlier with the TLM 170 R.
TLM 127KK 104 S
Cabeça do microfone (SKM 5200/5000 N)

Neumann sound on stage – wireless! The capsule head KK 104 S uses a precision manufactured true condenser cardioid capsule and is specially designed for Sennheiser SKM 5000/5200 handheld transmitters.
KK 104 SBCM 705
Microfone de locução

An affordable broadcast microphone from Neumann, made to convey emotion with perfection. Its functionally optimized design features an elastic suspension. Neumann’s first microphone with a dynamic capsule.
BCM 705TLM 49 Set
Microfone de estúdio

The sound of Neumann’s vintage classics, recreated with trouble free FET circuitry. The TLM 49 uses the same capsule and the same iconic headgrille design as the legendary M 49. Like a tube microphone, the TLM 49 produces soft saturation at higher SPLs.
TLM 49 SetU 87 Anniversary Set
Studio Microphone

For its 40th anniversary the U 87 was offered as a special set in a unique retro style case. The microphone, its shock mount, and the exclusive 60s style pop shield featured an attractive combination of polished and matte nickel surfaces.
U 87 Anniversary SetTLM 103 D
Microfone de estúdio digital

The digital version of Neumann’s acclaimed TLM 103 large diaphragm condenser microphone. The TLM 103 D uses Neumann’s Solution D converter technology ensuring highest fidelity with an enormous dynamic range of 130 dB.
TLM 103 DTLM 67
Microfone de estúdio

Inspired by Neumann’s classic tube microphone U 67, the TLM 67 produces a similar sound with trouble free FET circuity. Like its predecessor, the TLM 67 is a workhorse with three polar patterns while its circuit produces tube-like saturation at high SPLs.
TLM 67KMS 104 plus
Microfone de palco

The KMS 104 plus is a special version of the popular KMS 104 cardioid stage microphone. A slight boost in the low frequencies gives the plus version more “warmth” and “weight”. The KMS 104 plus is particularly popular among female singers.
KMS 104 plusTLM 102
Microfone de estúdio

Big sound for small studios: The TLM 102 is Neumann’s most affordable large diaphragm condenser microphone to date. Nonetheless it offers true Neumann quality, made in Germany.
TLM 102KH 120 A G
Monitor nearfield de duas vias

Starting with the KH 120 in 2010, Neumann offers his expertise in electro-acoustic transducer technologies to the studio monitoring market, and is now the perfect partner for both the front end and the back end of the audio signal path.
KH 120 A GKMR 81 D
Microfone shotgun digital

The KMR 81 D is the digital version of Neumann’s shotgun microphone KMR 81 i for film dialog and broadcast applications with highest fidelity, thanks to Neumann’s Solution D technology. The KMR 81 D complies to the AES 42 standard for digital microphones.
KMR 81 DKMS 104 D
Microfone de palco digital

O KMS 104 D traz o renomado microfone de palco KMS 104 para o domínio digital. Com base no padrão AES 42, esse microfone é a escolha ideal para aplicações ao vivo e de palco.
KMS 104 DKMS 105 D
Microfone de palco digital

O KMS 105 D traz o renomado microfone de palco KMS 105 para o domínio digital. Com base no padrão AES 42, esse microfone é a escolha ideal para aplicações ao vivo e de palco.
KMS 105 DKH 810
Subwoofer com gerenciamento de graves 7.1

The KH 810 is a subwoofer with a High Precision Bass Manager™ for stereo and surround setups up to 7.1. Thanks to the latest amplifier and acoustical components, the KH 810 achieves distortion-free bass extension down to 18 Hz.
KH 810KH 870
Subwoofer com gerenciamento de graves 7.1

The KH 870 is a subwoofer with a High Precision Bass Manager™ for stereo and surround setups up to 7.1. It offers the same precision as the KH 810 but with additional power for distortion-free bass reproduction even at highest SPLs.
KH 870KK 204
Microphone Head (for Sennheiser wireless systems)

Neumann sound on stage – wireless! The capsule head KK 204 uses a precision manufactured true condenser cardioid capsule and is specially designed for Sennheiser SKM 2000/6000/9000 handheld transmitters, EW G4 300/500 and EW-D wireless systems.
KK 204KH 310 A
Monitor nearfield de três vias

A high-resolution tri-amplified near-field monitor for editing, mixing, and mastering with confidence and precision. The KH 310 A offers the fastest transient response in its class, outstanding midrange detail, and a pleasantly dry low frequency reproduction.
KH 310 AKH 420
Monitor midfield de três vias

A powerful tri-amplified midfield monitor for demanding engineers. The KH 410 combines enormous SPL capability with a low frequency reproduction that extends down to 26 Hz.
KH 420TLM 107
Microfone de estúdio

The new studio workhorse. The TLM 107 is a state-of-the-art large diaphragm microphone with high-definition sound in five directional patterns. Variable pad and low cut settings and an enormous dynamic range make it adaptable to any application.
TLM 107U 47 fet i
Microfone de estúdio

Introduced as a successor to the legendary U 47 tube microphone, the U 47 fet became a Neumann classic in its own right. Its smooth yet defined character shaped the sound of the 70s. Since 2014 it is available again.
U 47 fet iKH 805
Subwoofer with 2.0/0.1 Bass Management

A budget friendly stereo version of the reknowned KH 810 subwoofer. The KH 805 offers low frequency extension down to 18 Hz and features a bypassable 2.1/0.1 bass manager which enables it to be used in many different applications.
KH 805KH 80 DSP A G
Monitor nearfield de duas vias

Neumanns first DSP-controlled studio monitor. Despite its small size, the KH 80 DSP achieves reference class sound. Its DSP engine allows for FIR phase correction as well as a room alignment using the Neumann.Control App.
KH 80 DSP A GU 67 Set
Microfone de válvula de estúdio

The tube microphone that defined the sound of the 1960s. The original is back!
U 67 SetKH 750 DSP
Subwoofer com gerenciamento de graves 2.0/0.1

Compact DSP-controlled closed cabinet subwoofer. It is the ideal choice for smaller rooms and smaller studio monitors, such as the KH 80 DSP.
KH 750 DSPNDH 20
Fone de ouvido de estúdio

Fone de ouvido de estúdio fechado atrás de qualidade premium para monitoração, edição e mixagem
NDH 20MA 1
MA 1 - Alinhamento Automático de Monitores

O Alinhamento Automático de Monitores MA 1 da Neumann garante a melhor qualidade de som possível em qualquer ambiente, desde estúdios domésticos até salas de controle profissionais. Usando o microfone de medição calibrado individualmente, seu ambiente acústico é analisado em um processo guiado.
MA 1V 402
Pré amplificador para microfones de canal duplo

Pré amplificador para microfones de canal duplo estado-da-arte com monitoração via fone de ouvido integrada.
V 402KH 150
Monitor nearfield de duas vias

Monitor de estúdio biamplificado alimentado por DSP com resposta de graves profundos e excelente resolução.
KH 150KH 150 AES67
Two Way Nearfield Monitor

DSP-powered, bi-amplified studio monitor with deep bass response and outstanding resolution. AES67.
KH 150 AES67Conjunto M 49 V
Microfone valvulado para estúdio comutável remotamente

O lendário microfone valvulado dos anos 50 e 60 finalmente volta a ficar disponível. No original.
Conjunto M 49 VMiniature Clip Mic System MCM
Miniature Clip Microphone

O verdadeiro som Neumann para microfonação próxima de instrumentos acústicos em aplicações ao vivo.
Miniature Clip Mic System MCMNDH 30
Fones de ouvido para estúdio

Fones de ouvido abertos, referência em sua categoria, para edição, mixagem e masterização
NDH 30MT 48
Audio Interface

Interface de áudio premium com qualidade Neumann e controle intuitivo por tela sensível ao toque
MT 48NDH 30 Black Edition
Open-back studio headphone

Reference-class open-back studio headphone for editing, mixing, and mastering
NDH 30 Black Edition

MM 2

U 47

M 49

M 50

KM 53

KM 54

MM 3

KM 56

SM 2

U 48

MM 5

KM 253

KM 254

KM 256

U 67 (1960)

SM 23 c

M 269 c

KM 64

SM 69

SRM 64

U 64


KM 66

KM 73

KM 74

KM 75

KM 83

KM 84

KM 85


KM 76

U 87 i

KM 86

KMA (1968)

U 77

KM 88

SM 69 fet

KMS 85

SRM 84

U 47 fet (1972)

KU 80

QM 69

U 497

KMS 84

KMR 82 i

USM 69 i

U 89 i

KMF 4 i

KU 81

KMR 81 i

TLM 170

U 87 Ai

RSM 190 i

KM 130

KM 131

KM 140

KM 143

KM 145

KM 150

GFM 132

TLM 50

KMS 140

KMS 150

KFM 100

KU 100

TLM 170 R

TLM 193

KM 184 (Series 180)

RSM 191 A Set

M 149 Tube

KM 120

TLM 103

M 147 Tube

KM 183 (Series 180)

KM 185 (Series 180)

KMS 105

M 150 Tube

KK 105 S

BCM 104


TLM 127

KK 104 S

BCM 705

TLM 49 Set

U 87 Anniversary Set

TLM 103 D

TLM 67

KK 184 + KM A

KMS 104 plus

TLM 102

KH 120 A G

KMR 81 D

KMS 104 D

KMS 105 D

KH 810

KH 870

KK 204

KH 310 A

KH 420

TLM 107

U 47 fet i

KH 805


U 67 Set

KH 750 DSP

NDH 20

MA 1

V 402

KH 750 AES67

KH 150

KH 150 AES67

Conjunto M 49 V

Miniature Clip Mic System MCM

NDH 20 Black Edition

NDH 30

KH 120 II

KH 120 II AES67

MT 48

NDH 30 Black Edition